Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mexican food, thrifty nifties, and pilates! OH MY!

Last night was a greatly needed night out for this mama. I met up with some of my college roommates at one of our favorite places to eat while we were still in school. La Finca. A decently okay Mexican joint. But it tastes like nostalgia and I ate my plate of food with mucho delight. Maybe it was because it had cheese on it, though. I tried to be good while I was there. I indulged in a few chips and salsa, had my quesadilla, and two large glasses of water. It wasn't the most healthy thing I could have eaten, but it was better than what I would have done this time last year. It was so nice to sit at a table and girl talk with them. I don't get that very much. So thanks, Danielle and Deb. It was an amazing night and I am so glad that we got together.

After dinner last night I headed to the Wal-Mart (please know that I don't normally say 'the wal-mart'...I just thought it was funny). I had been given a coupon for $5 off any Gold's Gym product and another coupon for $3 off a specific pilates video. Anyway, I was planning on buying Dave a set of resistance tubes with the coupon and calling it a night. I thought I would probably have to use the pilates coupon online. As I was browsing the resistance tubes and wondering which set would be the best for Dave, I saw a set of resistance bands. They looked familiar. I picked them up and started looking at them. I was interested. It was only $6.50 for a set of three, so I was all like 'I'll give it shot!' I finally picked out Dave's tubes and was getting ready to leave the sporting goods section when I saw the DVD I had a coupon for! I was thrilled. It was on sale for $7. So with my coupon, I got it for $4! Whoop whoop! Being thrifty and getting in shape. That's my kind of night!

So after last night's purchases, today was an adventure in trying new things. I'll just say this: my abs and shoulders are sore! The pilates video used resistance bands on almost all the exercises. Holy moly I probably sweated more in that 45 minutes than I ever do while walking. Even walking when it is hot outside. It was great! ha! There were a couple of exercises that I couldn't do all the reps and I had to modify one (a side plank...I mean, really, who can do those things?!), but I loved it. The cool down at then end really helped stretch me out. Awesome. I think I may be hooked. Then it was a two mile run with my frozen yogurt bar when I was done. Pretty good day, if you ask me!

I'm looking forward to cheat day tomorrow and a light pilates (is there such a thing?) workout in the morning. I hope your weekend has been great. Tell me something new that you have done lately? Did you dig it? Hate it? I want to know!

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